Water And Waste Water Flow Study Services

Water is an essential commodity, especially in the present scenario, where we face severe drought conditions in many parts of our country. Need of the hour is therefore, efficient management of water resources.

Flow, pressure and quality studies are provided. We provide flow measurement audit services, using certified meters, for Municipalities and Industries to account for losses and provide further insights into existing water network performance. We provide performance verification services for existing flow meters. We are able to measure both water and wastewater applications in different pipe sizes under partially filled or fully filled conditions as well as in open channels, canals and rivers. Up to 20 concurrent measurements have been done across multiple days. Studies have helped identifying network losses in excess of 50% in some cases. More than 70 municipal water networks, identifying problematic areas, have been served well by our audits. Industries such as refineries, breweries, pulp & paper, food, pharmaceutical and other manufacturing industries have benefitted from our services. Our vast experience in treatment plant (water & wastewater) monitoring and performance capacity assessments, serve existing plants and infrastructure planning. We carryout flow studies for city-wide wastewater drainage systems, including outfalls and river discharges.


For Industries & Municipalities


Losses Monitored


For Treated Sewage Effluent


Wastewater Flow Studies


River Flow Assessment Studies