Welcome to Aum Systems

Automation & Maintenance Management Systems (AuM), is a leading provider of cost-effective SMART Water Technologies, high quality engineering solutions in the field of water / wastewater measurement and monitoring systems. AuM helps transform process data to management information that is appropriate for modern day, sustainable water asset management. Our highly acclaimed Water Audits and Flow Surveys in water networks for Non-Revenue Water (NRW), Leak Detection & Wastewater Discharge Monitoring, provide the basis for design of a robust and reliable automation platform.

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Our Core Values


High quality, cost-effective services, engineered first-time right and striving continuously for improvements;


Ethical work practices in all aspects of our work with customers, partners and suppliers;


We will strive to provide sustainable solutions for our customers, leveraging technology to improve environment monitoring, energy efficiency and asset management practices.


We are committed to provide a safe and healthy work environment in our offices and all work locations. All our staff will receive appropriate levels of training on safe industry work practices, as appropriate for their work requirements.

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